Faith of Jesus Christ

Thou shalt abide for me many days

Hosea 3:1-5 Then said the LORD unto me, Go yet, love a woman beloved of [her] friend, yet an adulteress, according to the love of the LORD toward the children of Israel, who look to other gods, and love flagons of wine. So I bought her to me for fifteen [pieces] of silver, and [for] an homer of barley, and an half homer of barley: And I said unto her, Thou shalt abide for me many days; thou shalt not play the harlot, and thou shalt not be for [another] man: so [will] I also [be] for thee. For the children of Israel shall abide many days without a king, and without a prince, and without a sacrifice, and without an image, and without an ephod, and [without] teraphim: Afterward shall the children of Israel return, and seek the LORD their God, and David their king; and shall fear the LORD and his goodness in the latter days.


Hosea 3 is a very short chapter, but it displayed God's entire salvation plan: children of Israel represent God's elects. Although they are like adulteress (Israel was the LORD's wife, but “who look for other gods”, and became other gods' wife), according to the Law (Deu 22:23-24), “ ye shall stone them with stones that they die”, the LORD still loves them: therefore the LORD paid by himself (fifteen [pieces] of silver, and [for] an homer of barley, and an half homer of barley: total cost of thirty pieces of silver (Mat 26:15 Jesus was sold for thirty pieces of silver)) and “I (the LORD) bought (redeemed) her to me (himself)”. Therefore that Jesus was sold, crucified and raised on the third day was a payment to buy/redeem/engage us for Himself, before He went up to heaven, He promised to come again to marry us as a bride (Rev 21:2). Thus before He comes again, we the fiancee shall abide for Him many days and “ shalt not play the harlot, and shalt not be for [another] man (shalt not worship other god)”! Wonderfully He Himself also promised us that “so [will] I also [be] for thee.”: the LORD will abide for us as well? What does this mean? “Then verily the first [covenant] had also ordinances of divine service, and a worldly sanctuary.” (Heb 9:1) But in the new convenant, this divine service was fulfilled once Jesus raised on the third day (fully paid for). (Heb 9:10 [Which stood] only in meats and drinks, and divers washings, and carnal ordinances, imposed [on them] until the time of reformation.), from then on the LORD Jesus He Himself will not receive gift (divine service/worship) from men until He comes again. (Mat 26:29 But I say unto you, I will not drink henceforth of this fruit of the vine, until that day when I drink it new with you in my Father's kingdom.) So during these “many days” while we are waiting for Him as His fiancee, we shall keep His words: “without a king”: lest we might worship a king, “and without a prince”: lest we might listen to a prince, “and without a sacrifice”: lest we might perform worship service again, “and without an image”: lest we might worship idols, “and without an ephod”: no priest lest we might follow to perform woship service again, “and [without] teraphim”: lest we might worship our own god(s). He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches. Afterward (when Jesus returns) shall the children of Israel (we) return, and seek the LORD their God, and David (Jesus) their king; and shall fear the LORD and his goodness in the latter days (marry Him). Amen.

Published at 2013-09-28 22:21:00


何西阿书3:1-5: 耶和华对我说、你再去爱一个淫妇、就是他情人所爱的、好像以色列人、虽然偏向别神、喜爱葡萄饼、耶和华还是爱他们。我便用银子十五舍客勒、大麦一贺梅珥半、买他归我。我对他说、你当多日为我独居、不可行淫、不可归别人为妻、我向你也必这样。以色列人也必多日独居、无君王、无首领、无祭祀、无柱像、无以弗得、无家中的神像。后来以色列人必归回、〔或作回心转意〕寻求他们的 神耶和华、和他们的王大卫.在末后的日子、必以敬畏的心归向耶和华、领受他的恩惠
何西阿书第三章虽短,却把神的救赎计划完整地勾画出来:色列人预表神所拣选所要拯救的子民.虽然在神眼里他们就像一个淫妇(原来色列人是耶和华的妻子,但却偏向别神,成了别神的妻子),这罪照着律法本该用石头打死(申22:23-24), 但耶和华还是爱他们: 便用自己(银子十五舍客勒、大麦一贺梅珥半,共值三十块钱(太26:15耶稣被卖的银价))下聘‘买(赎)他归我’.因此耶稣被卖钉死后三天复活,就是下聘赎我们归他自己,升天前答应我们还要再来‘娶’我们(启21:2).在这段等候他再来的日子里,我们这未婚妻当多日为他独居,不可行淫(拜别神)!奇妙的是耶稣也答应‘我向你也必这样’:耶和华也独居. 这是什么意思呢? 原来前约有礼拜的条例(来9:1),但到了新约这礼拜的条例就被完成了(来9:10命定到振兴的时候为止),从此耶和华就是耶稣他自己不再受人间的供奉(礼拜)一直到他再来的日子.所以我们在这段等候他再来独居的日子里就当守着他的话: ‘无君王’:免得我们拜君王、‘无首领’:免得我们听首领的话、‘无祭祀’:免得我们作礼拜!、‘无柱像’:免得我们拜偶像、‘无以弗得’:不立祭司,免得我们作礼拜! ‘无家中的神像’:免得我们拜自己立的偶像.圣灵向众教会所说的话、凡有耳的、就应当听!后来(耶稣再来)以色列人(我们)必归回、〔或作回心转意〕寻求他们的 神耶和华、和他们的王大卫(耶稣).在末后的日子、必以敬畏的心归向耶和华、领受他的恩惠(与耶稣完婚)。阿们.

Published at 2013-09-14 23:01:00


何西阿書3:1-5: 耶和華對我說你再去愛一個淫婦就是他情人所愛的好像以色列人雖然偏向別神喜愛葡萄餅耶和華還是愛他們我便用銀子十五舍客勒大麥一賀梅珥半買他歸我我對他說你當多日為我獨居不可行淫不可歸別人為妻我向你也必這樣以色列人也必多日獨居無君王無首領無祭祀無柱像無以弗得無家中的神像後來以色列人必歸回〔或作回心轉意〕尋求他們的 神耶和華和他們的王大衛在末後的日子必以敬畏的心歸向耶和華領受他的恩惠


何西阿書第三章雖短,卻把神的救贖計畫完整地勾畫出來:色列人預表神所揀選所要拯救的子民.雖然在神眼裡他們就像一個淫婦(原來色列人是耶和華的妻子,但卻偏向別神,成了別神的妻子),這罪照著律法本該用石頭打死(22:23-24), 但耶和華還是愛他們: 便用自己(銀子十五舍客勒大麥一賀梅珥半,共值三十塊錢(26:15耶穌被賣的銀價))下聘『買()他歸我』.因此耶穌被賣釘死後三天復活,就是下聘贖我們歸他自己,升天前答應我們還要再來『娶』我們(21:2).在這段等候他再來的日子裡,我們這未婚妻當多日為他獨居,不可行淫(拜別神)!奇妙的是耶穌也答應『我向你也必這樣』:耶和華也獨居. 這是什麼意思呢? 原來前約有禮拜的條例(9:1),但到了新約這禮拜的條例就被完成了(9:10命定到振興的時候為止),從此耶和華就是耶穌他自己不再受人間的供奉(禮拜)一直到他再來的日子.所以我們在這段等候他再來獨居的日子裡就當守著他的話: 『無君王』:免得我們拜君王『無首領』:免得我們聽首領的話『無祭祀』:免得我們作禮拜!『無柱像』:免得我們拜偶像『無以弗得』:不立祭司,免得我們作禮拜! 『無家中的神像』:免得我們拜自己立的偶像.靈向眾教會所說的話凡有耳的就應當聽!後來(耶穌再來)以色列人(我們)必歸回〔或作回心轉意〕尋求他們的 神耶和華和他們的王大衛(耶穌)在末後的日子必以敬畏的心歸向耶和華領受他的恩惠(與耶穌完婚)阿們.

Published at 2013-09-14 22:35:00

Lord, that I might receive my sight

2 Kings 6:14-17 Therefore sent he thither horses, and chariots, and a great host: and they came by night, and compassed the city about. And when the servant of the man of God was risen early, and gone forth, behold, an host compassed the city both with horses and chariots. And his servant said unto him, Alas, my master! how shall we do? And he answered, Fear not: for they that [be] with us [are] more than they that [be] with them. And Elisha prayed, and said, LORD, I pray thee, open his eyes, that he may see. And the LORD opened the eyes of the young man; and he saw: and, behold, the mountain [was] full of horses and chariots of fire round about Elisha.


Dear Brothers and Sisters, did we see more tribulation than spiritual blessings in this world? Why so?

Let's read another section of Bible from John chapter nine:


John 9:1-3 And as [Jesus] passed by, he saw a man which was blind from [his] birth. And his disciples asked him, saying, Master, who did sin, this man, or his parents, that he was born blind? Jesus answered, Neither hath this man sinned, nor his parents: but that the works of God should be made manifest in him.

John 9:6-7 When he had thus spoken, he spat on the ground, and made clay of the spittle, and he anointed the eyes of the blind man with the clay, And said unto him, Go, wash in the pool of Siloam, (which is by interpretation, Sent.) He went his way therefore, and washed, and came seeing.

John 9:35-39 Jesus heard that they had cast him out; and when he had found him, he said unto him, Dost thou believe on the Son of God? He answered and said, Who is he, Lord, that I might believe on him? And Jesus said unto him, Thou hast both seen him, and it is he that talketh with thee. And he said, Lord, I believe. And he worshipped him. And Jesus said, For judgment I am come into this world, that they which see not might see; and that they which see might be made blind.


In Spirit, we all are born blind like this man. We cannot see God's blessings, neither know the Son of God. One day, Jesus found us that we were blind and cannot see God's blessings, only saw the tribulation of this world. Thus He has mercy on us, opened our eyes and let us see: once our Spiritual eyes were opened, then we can see the love of our Father, we can see the faith of His Son, we can see the hope of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ our Saviour. From then on, we are asured by the one who said: I will not leave you comfortless*:(*orphans) I will come to you. (John 14:18) ---- that he will be with us all the way to the end of world.


Now Jesus said unto you, “What wilt thou that I should do unto thee?” (Mark 10:51) ---- Lord, that I might receive my sight. Amen.

Published at 2013-07-21 21:41:00


列王纪下6:14-17 王就打发车马、和大军、往那里去、夜间到了、围困那城。 神人的仆人清早起来出去、看见车马军兵围困了城。仆人对神人说、哀哉、我主阿、我们怎样行才好呢。 神人说、不要惧怕、与我们同在的、比与他们同在的更多。 以利沙祷告说、耶和华阿、求你开这少年人的眼目、使他能看见。耶和华开他的眼目、他就看见满山有火车火马围绕以利沙。
亲爱的弟兄姐妹们,我们是否看见这世界的难处比属灵的祝福还多呢? 为什么呢?
Jhn 9:1-3耶稣过去的时候、看见一个人生来是瞎眼的。门徒问耶稣说、拉比、这人生来是瞎眼的、是谁犯了罪、是这人呢、是他父母呢。耶稣回答说、也不是这人犯了罪、也不是他父母犯了罪、是要在他身上显出 神的作为来。
Jhn 9:6-7耶稣说了这话、就吐唾沫在地上、用唾沫和泥抹在瞎子的眼睛上、对他说、你往西罗亚池子里去洗、(西罗亚翻出来、就是奉差遣)他去一洗、回头就看见了。
Jhn 9:35-39耶稣听说他们把他赶出去.后来遇见了他、就说、你信 神的儿子么。他回答说、主阿、谁是 神的儿子、叫我信他呢。耶稣说、你已经看见他、现在和你说话的就是他。他说、主阿、我信.就拜耶稣。耶稣说、我为审判到这世上来、叫不能看见的、可以看见.能看见的、反瞎了眼。
在灵里,我们就像这位生来就瞎眼的孩子,看不见神的恩赐,也不认识神的儿子.有一天,耶稣来找我们,看见我们的光景,不忍心我们活着看不见神的恩赐,只看见世上的苦难,他就怜悯我们,开我们的眼睛,让我们能看见,看见父的慈爱,看见神儿子的信实,看见耶稣基督复活的盼望,从此我们便知道那位说过:我不撇下你们为孤儿、我必到你们这里来。(Jhn 14:18) --- 他必与我们同在直到世界的末了.
如今‘耶稣说、要我为你作什么?’(Mak 10:51) 主阿,我要能看见! 阿们.

Published at 2013-07-21 20:58:00


列王紀下6:14-17 王就打發車馬和大軍往那裡去夜間到了圍困那城神人的僕人清早起來出去看見車馬軍兵圍困了城僕人對神人說哀哉我主阿我們怎樣行才好呢神人說不要懼怕與我們同在的比與他們同在的更多以利沙禱告說耶和華阿求你開這少年人的眼目使他能看見耶和華開他的眼目他就看見滿山有火車火馬圍繞以利沙


愛的弟兄姐妹們,我們是否看見這世界的難處比屬靈的祝福還多呢? 為什麼呢?



Jhn 9:1-3耶穌過去的時候看見一個人生來是瞎眼的門徒問耶穌說拉比這人生來是瞎眼的是誰犯了罪是這人呢是他父母呢耶穌回答說也不是這人犯了罪也不是他父母犯了罪是要在他身上顯出 神的作為來

Jhn 9:6-7耶穌說了這話就吐唾沫在地上用唾沫和泥抹在瞎子的眼睛上對他說、你往西羅亞池子裡去洗、(西羅亞繙出來、就是奉差遣)他去一洗、回頭就看見了。

Jhn 9:35-39耶穌聽說他們把他趕出去後來遇見了他就說你信 神的兒子麼他回答說主阿誰是 神的兒子叫我信他呢耶穌說你已經看見他現在和你說話的就是他他說主阿我信就拜耶穌耶穌說我為審判到這世上來叫不能看見的可以看見能看見的反瞎了眼


靈裡,我們就像這位生來瞎眼的孩子,看不見神的恩賜,也不認識神的兒子.有一天,耶穌來找我們,看見我們的光景,不忍心我們活著看不見神的恩賜,只看見世上的苦難,他就憐憫我們,開我們的眼睛,讓我們能看見,看見父的慈愛,看見神兒子的信實,看見耶穌基督復活的盼望,從此我們便知道那位說過:我不撇下你們為孤兒我必到你們這裡來(Jhn 14:18) --- 他必與我們同在直到世界的末了.


今『耶穌說要我為你作甚麼?(Mak 10:51) 主阿,我要能看見! 阿們.

Published at 2013-07-15 03:43:00

Children of Light

1 Thessalonians 5:4-6 “But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief. Ye are all the children of light, and the children of the day: we are not of the night, nor of darkness. Therefore let us not sleep, as [do] others; but let us watch and be sober.”


In the Bible, there are several verses referring to “the day of Lord so cometh as a thief in the night” (1Ts 5:2)(2Pe 3:10) and “I will come on thee as a thief, and thou shalt not know what hour I will come upon thee.” (Rev 3:3)(Rev 16:15) The Lord also said “But of that day and hour knoweth no [man,] no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only.” (Mat 24:36)(Mak 13:32)(Act 1:7).


Dear Brothers and Sisters, according to Bible, do we know when is the day of Lord? Indeed the answer is already in the verses we read: if we are still “children of darkness”, and still live in the night (in the flesh), then to us the day of Lord will come as a thief, “For they that sleep sleep in the night; and they that be drunken are drunken in the night.” (1Ts 5:7) how would the slept and drunken “children of darkness” in the night know when the Lord has arrived? To them, wouldn't that the day of Lord come as a thief in the night? Therefore, the Lord said to the “dead” church of Sardis (Rev 3:1) “If therefore thou shalt not watch, I will come on thee as a thief, and thou shalt not know what hour I will come upon thee.” (Rev 3:3) “ If therefore thou shalt not watch” means: Church of Sardis, if you still sleep (not repent), and continoue to be “children of darkness” slept and drunken in the night, I (the Lord) will come and judge you, and when I come, you will not know, to you I come like a thief entering a slept drunk's house in the night!


On the contrary, if we are “children of light”, and live in the day (in the Spirit), and watch and sober, love one another, then when our Lord returns and knocks the door, we will open for him immediately (Luk 12:36)(Rev 3:20), our Lord will say to us: “Blessed [are] those servants, whom the lord when he cometh shall find watching: verily I say unto you, that he shall gird himself, and make them to sit down to meat, and will come forth and serve them.” (Luk 12:37)


Dear Brothers and Sisters, now we shall know: “the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night;” (2Pe 3:10) speaks to whom? To those who are “children of light”? Or to those who are “children of darkness”?


Dear Brothers and Sisters, if we are still “in darkness” (1Jn 2:11), we may call upon the name of whom “ hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light:” Jesus Christ our saviour. He is willing and able to save us and wake us up to escape the wrath of God.

Published at 2013-05-26 22:18:00


帖撒罗尼迦前书5:4-6 ‘弟兄们、你们却不在黑暗里、叫那日子临到你们像贼一样。你们都是光明之子、都是白昼之子、我们不是属黑夜的、也不是属幽暗的.所以我们不要睡觉、像别人一样、总要儆醒谨守。’
圣经在多处提到主再来的日子‘好像夜间的贼一样。’(1Ts 5:2)(2Pe 3:10)‘我几时临到、你也决不能知道。’(Rev 3:3)(Rev 16:15) 主也亲自说过‘但那日子、那时辰、没有人知道’(Mat 24:36) (Mak 13:32)(Act 1:7) . 
亲爱的弟兄姊妹们, 根据圣经, 请问我们到底知不知道主再来的日子呢? 其实答案已经在我们所念过的经文里了: 若我们还是‘黑暗之子’, 还活在夜间(血气之中), 那么主来了就像夜间的贼一样, ‘因为睡了的人是在夜间睡.醉了的人是在夜间醉.’(1Ts 5:7)一个在夜间睡了醉了的‘黑暗之子’, 怎么会知道主来了呢? 对‘黑暗之子’而言主来岂不像夜间的贼一样吗? 所以主才对那 ‘其实是死的’撒狄教会(Rev 3:1)说: ‘若不儆醒、我必临到你那里如同贼一样.我几时临到、你也决不能知道。’(Rev 3:3) ‘若不儆醒’意思是说: 撒狄教会阿你若还不醒(悔改)过来, 还是继续做在黑夜里睡了醉了的‘黑暗之子’那么我(主)必来审判你, 并且当我来的时候你也不知道, 就如同贼进了一个在夜间睡着了人的房子一样!
相反的, 若我们已是‘光明之子’, 是活在白昼(圣灵之中), 时时儆醒谨守主的话,彼此相爱,那么主来的日子,我们必立刻给他开门(Luk 12:36)(Rev 3:20),主便说:‘主人来了、看见仆人儆醒、那仆人就有福了.我实在告诉你们、主人必叫他们坐席、自己束上带、进前伺候他们。’(Luk 12:37).
亲爱的弟兄姊妹们, 现在我们当晓得:‘主的日子要像贼来到一样’(2Pe 3:10) 是对谁说的呢?是对‘光明之子’说的呢? 还是对‘黑暗之子’说的呢? 
亲爱的弟兄姊妹们, 若我们还在黑暗里(1Jn 2:11), 我们可以求那能召我们‘出黑暗入奇妙
光明’(1Pe 2:9) 的救主耶稣基督, 他必能叫我们醒过来, 躲避那将来的愤怒.

Published at 2013-05-26 20:15:00


帖撒羅尼迦前書5:4-6 弟兄們你們卻不在黑暗裡叫那日子臨到你們像賊一樣你們都是光明之子都是白晝之子我們不是屬黑夜的也不是屬幽暗的所以我們不要睡覺像別人一樣總要儆醒謹守


聖經在多處提到主再來的日子好像夜間的賊一樣。』(1Ts 5:2)(2Pe 3:10)我幾時臨到你也決不能知道(Rev 3:3)(Rev 16:15) 主也親自說過但那日子那時辰沒有人知道(Mat 24:36) (Mak 13:32)(Act 1:7) .


親愛的弟兄姊妹們, 根據聖經, 請問我們到底知不知道主再來的日子呢? 其實答案已經在我們所念過的經文裡了: 若我們還是『黑暗之子』, 還活在夜間(血氣之中), 那麼主來了就像夜間的賊一樣, 因為睡了的人是在夜間睡醉了的人是在夜間醉(1Ts 5:7)一個在夜間睡了醉了的『黑暗之子』, 怎麼會知道主來了呢? 對『黑暗之子』而言主來豈不像夜間的賊一樣嗎? 所以主才對那 『其實是死的』撒狄教會(Rev 3:1): 若不儆醒臨到你如同賊一我幾時臨到你也決不能知道(Rev 3:3) 若不儆醒意思是說: 撒狄教會阿你若還不醒(悔改)過來, 還是繼續做在黑夜裡睡了醉了的『黑暗之子』那麼我()必來審判你, 並且當我來的時候你也不知道, 就如同賊進了一個在夜間睡著了人的房子一樣!


相反的, 若我們已是『光明之子』, 是活在白晝(聖靈之中), 時時儆醒謹守主的話,彼此相愛,那麼主來的日子,我們必立刻(Luk 12:36)(Rev 3:20),主便說:人來了見僕人儆人就有福了我實告訴你們必叫他們坐席自己束上進前伺候他們(Luk 12:37).


親愛的弟兄姊妹們, 現在我們當曉得:主的日子要像賊來到一樣(2Pe 3:10) 是對誰說的呢?是對『光明之子』說的呢? 還是對『黑暗之子』說的呢?


親愛的弟兄姊妹們, 若我們還在黑暗裡(1Jn 2:11), 我們可以求那能召我們『黑暗入奇妙

(1Pe 2:9) 的救主耶穌基督, 他必能叫我們醒過來, 躲避那將來的憤怒.

Published at 2013-05-26 19:44:00


马太福音9:20-22有一个女人患了十二年的血漏来到耶稣背后摸他的衣裳繸子 因为他心里说我只摸他的衣裳就必痊愈 耶稣转过来看见他就说女儿放心你的信实救了你1从那时候女人就痊愈了


圣经里的信实指的是什么? 当耶稣说女儿放心你的信实救了你又是什么意思呢?


信实就是他的大能:根据歌罗西书2:12‘你们既受洗与他一同埋葬也藉着信实与他一同复活这信实就是那叫他从死里复活 神运行的大能2信实就是神的大能.这大能曾叫耶稣从死里复活.如今也能叫我们一切凡信他与他同死的从死里复活.所以简单地说,信实就是神死里复活的大能.


信实就是他的工作:以弗所书2:8-10你们得救是本乎恩也因着基督的信实这并不是出于自己乃是 神所赐的3也不是出于行为免得有人自夸 我们原是他的工作在基督耶稣里造成的为要叫我们行善就是 神所豫备叫我们行的这段圣经强调我们得救‘不是出于[人的]行为(功劳)免得有人自夸’而是‘是他的工作(功劳)’他的工作所赚得的工价(功劳)替我们偿还了罪债.他的工作就是在提多书2:14所说的他为我们舍了自己要赎我们脱离一切罪恶又洁净我们特作自己的子民热心为善这也就是为什么在加拉太书2:16所说既知道人称义不是因律法的功4乃是因耶稣基督的信实5连我们也信了基督耶稣使我们因基督的信实6称义不因律法的功称义因为凡有血气的没有一人因律法的功称义这节经文告诉我们这个真理:一个罪人(天国的穷人)变成义人(天国的富人)不是藉着人的工价(功劳),世人都犯了罪(罗马书3:23),不管我们多么努力工作,我们所做的尽都是恶,因为我们终日所思想的尽都是恶(创世记6:5),所以我们()的工价就是死(罗马书6:23).但藉着耶稣基督的工作,就可以让一个罪人(天国的穷人)变成义人(天国的富人).因为耶稣是唯一无罪的(哥林多后书5:21),他的工价就是义就是永生.他的工作确实好:因我们还软弱不敬虔的时候基督就按所定的日期为我们死7 为义人死是少有的为仁人死或者有敢作的 惟有基督在我们还作罪人的时候为我们死、 神的爱就在此向我们显明了。’(罗马书5:6)


信实就是他自己:以赛亚书65:16‘这样在地上为自己求福的必凭阿们8的 神求福在地上起誓的必指阿们的 神起誓因为从前的患难已经忘记也从我眼前隐藏了希伯来文‘阿们’就是真理和信实的意思.所以‘阿们的神’就是‘信实的神’.因此在启示录3:14,耶稣自称其名为阿们,也就是称自己的名为信实....那为阿们的为信实的和真实的见证人9在 神创造万物之上为元首的...




1 Mat 9:22 你的信实救了你 hJ pivsti" sou sevswkevn se. 和合本译作你的信救了你

2 Col 2:12你们... suntafevnte" aujtw'/ ejn tw'/ baptismw'/, ejn w|/ kaiV sunhgevrqhte diaV th'" pivstew" th'" ejnergeiva" tou' qeou' tou' ejgeivranto" aujtoVn ejk nekrw'n: 和合本译作 你们既受洗与他一同埋葬也就在此与他一同复活都因信那叫他从死里复活 神的功用

3 Eph 2:8你们... Th'/ gaVr cavritiv ejste sesw/smevnoi diaV pivstew": kaiV tou'to oujk ejx uJmw'n, qeou' toV dw'ron: 和合本译作 你们得救是本乎恩也因着信这并不是出于自己乃是 神所赐的

4 Gal 2:16 因律法的功 ejx e[rgwn novmou和合本译作因行律法; 下同.

5 Gal 2:16耶稣基督的信实 pivstew" jIhsou' Cristou' 和合本译作信耶稣基督

6 Gal 2:16基督的信实 pivstew" Cristou' 和合本译作信基督

7 Rom 5:6 因我们... [Eti gaVr CristoV" o[ntwn hJmw'n ajsqenw'n e[ti kataV kairoVn uJpeVr ajsebw'n ajpevqanen. 和合本译作因我们还软弱的时候基督就按所定的日期为罪人死

8 Isa 65:16 阿们 /m@a* 和合本译作真实

9 Rev 3:14 为信实... oJ mavrtu" oJ pistoV" kaiV ajlhqinov", 和合本译作为诚信真实见证的


Published at 2013-04-13 23:27:00
